The Why and How of R package development: Part 2

UW R-Ladies



  1. What is an R package, and why would I make one?
  2. Special considerations for writing functions in R packages
  3. Brainstorm ideas for your own package
  1. Making functions generalizeable
  2. Building a “dummy” package using R Studio and devtools
  3. Set up and start building your own package

Generalizeable Functions in R packages

What does “generalizeable” mean?

When you write an R package, you’re sending your functions out into the world for others to use , and you want them to be successful! An ideal R function…

  1. Works consistently in the scenarios it is meant for
  2. Has clear documentation explaining what it does and how it should be used
  3. Signals the user when it doesn’t work, and clearly explains why!

To achieve these goals, you need to think very carefully about the type of data your functions require as inputs, and how you will communicate those requirements to users

How specific do the inputs actually need to be? Can I relax my requirements at all?

Example: To work in your function, a dataset must have a column called “date” with a date in MM-DD-YYYY POSIXct format and a column with character strings of species names called “Species”. There must be data from at least two different consecutive days.

date Species
12-01-1990 Pinus contorta
12-01-1990 Heterotheca villosa
12-02-1990 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Strategy 1: Require the user to provide exact function inputs, and return informative errors when they doesn’t meet the function’s requirements

  • check the data frame names (do they include “date” and “Species”)?
  • check the column types (is “date” POSIXct? is “Species” character?)
  • check that “date” has data from at least two consecutive days
  • if the data doesn’t pass the checks, then return errors telling the user how to the input

Strategy 2: Require specific data types, etc., but allow users to provide their own column names

  • include function argument(s) that indicate the names of the date and species columns, e.g. “Species_col” = “speciesName” and “date_col” = “datetime”
    • within the function, use those arguments to rename the data frame with your expected column names (“Species” and “date”)
    • rename the output with the input names when you finish the function (“speciesName” and “datetime”)
  • check data types and structure of required columns, with informative error messages

Strategy 3: Allow users to provide their own column names, and make function options for multiple possible data types

  • In addition to the column name arguments above…
  • the “Species” column could be a character or a factor, make options inside the function to execute calculations for both data types

General considerations:

  • Make sure the names and data types of a function output are the same as a corresponding function input
  • If you’re performing the same checks in multiple functions, you can write a “check” function that you can use internal to your other functions
  • Keep your audience in mind! Typically, the generality of your functions should be inversely correlated to the size/breadth of your audience

Using devtools to make a dummy R package!

Chose a package name

  • The name can only consist of letters, numbers, and periods, i.e., ..
  • It must start with a letter.
  • It cannot end with a period.

We’ll use “rowGetR”

Set up the package structure

Make sure the devtools R package is downloaded and installed

# create a package skeleton with an R project in your specified directory

In the R studio project window for the package, you’ll see a “Build” tab

Connect to GitHub

  • Use usethis::use_git() to make the package directory a git repository (on your local drive)
  • Go to your gitHub account and make a new repository with the same name as your package (make sure it has nothing, not even a README!)
  • In the Git pane in R Studio, click on the “two purple boxes and a white square” in the Git pane. Click “Add remote”, and copy the HTTPS URL and name of your online repo
  • More Details

Now we’ll add a function

  1. Make a new R script inside the R /folder, call it “getRow.R”
  2. Add this function:
getRow <- function(dat, rowInd = 1, ...) {
  # check that the 'dat' argument is a data frame
  if ( == FALSE) {
    stop("The 'dat' argument must be a data frame")
  # check that the 'ind' argument is numeric
  stopifnot("The 'rowInd' argument must be numeric" = is.numeric(rowInd))
  newRow <- dat[rowInd,]

Now we need to add documentation to the function

With your cursor inside of the function definition, click the “wand” button on the top of the script, and select “Insert Roxygen Skeleton”

Fill in the skeleton

Title: Written in sentence case without a period at the end, followed by an empty line. Clearly state what the function does in a few words

  • e.g. “Extracts row(s) from a data frame”

Description: A short paragraph that describes what the function does and it’s most important features. Isn’t automatically in the Roxygen skeleton, must be added with ‘@description

  • e.g. “@description getRow() extracts a row or rows from a data frame. Rows are extracted by numerical index that is supplied by the user.”

Arguments: Describe each of the arguments to the function in detail. Explain the required format and type, as well as any defaults

  • @param dat A data frame from which a row is extracted.

  • @param rowInd Either a single value or a vector of numeric arguments that indicates the index or indices of the rows to be extracted from dat. The default value is “1”

  • @param … further arguments to be passed to getRow.

Returns: Describe the structure and format of everything that is returned by the function

  • @return getRow returns a data frame that contains the row or rows of the dat argument that are specified in the rowInd argument. The column names and types are the same as in dat.

The @export tag is automatically included in the Roxygen skeleton. This indicates that you want this function to be “exported” by your package (i.e. not an internal function)

Examples: Give one or more examples of the function, which will be run every time that the function is checked and that will be viewed in the documentation.

  • @examples getRow(dat = datasets::mtcars, rowInd = c(2,3))


  • Roxygen documentation uses a fixed text width. You can make R Studio automatically wrap text in a comment with “Code > Reflow Comment” (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+/).

  • You can also make R studio show a line at the margin edge in “Global Options > Code > Display”

    • Check “Show Margin” and make sure that “Margin Column” is set to 80

Whenever you want to render documentation, use devtools::document()

  • Note: The working directory must be the main Package folder (e.g. “rowGetR”)
  • .md files will appear in the man/ folder (read only!)

Let’s edit the DESCRIPTION file!

  • Title: One-line description of the package in Title Case without a period at the end

  • Description: A more detailed description of the package, up to one paragraph long

    • Don’t start either with “This package…” “A package for…” etc.
    • Don’t include the package name
  • URL or BugReports fields, which give the URL for the package or the GitHub page where you can report bugs

Author Information: Information about the author(s), in a specific format

  • Authors@R: person(“First”, “Last”, , “”, role = c(“aut”, “cre”), comment = c(ORCID = “YOUR-ORCID-ID”))

License: Indicates which License you want to use.

  • You can use functions in the usethis package to automatically fill in the relevant fields, depending on which license you want to use
    • e.g. use_mit_license() or use_gpl3_license()

Imports: lists the R packages (or specific functions in those R packages) that are required by the functions in your package

  • e.g. the getRow() function uses the slice() function from the dplyr R package. To add dplyr to the DESCRIPTION file, use

Suggests: gives a list of R packages that are used in the development of your package (e.g. in making vignettes), or improve the package but aren’t required

  • You can use the use_package() function, but include “Suggests” inside the function call

Let’s load and check the package!

  • Use devtools::load_all() to internally build package binaries and load them into memory. This is how we test functions, and make sure the package passes important checks!
    • If you don’t get an error, then the package has loaded!
  • Now you can test functions, look at documentation, and “check” the function. The devtools::check() function runs the R CMD CHECK command, which runs a series of formal checks. Your package must pass all of these checks, especially if you want to submit to CRAN!

Now lets build the package!

Your package has passed the R CMD CHECK, and now you want to build it into a “tarball” to distribute to others. You can do this easily using devtools::build()